10 Amazing Facts About Lavender


Apothecary Education 101

Plant Magic Knowledge Seekers

Do you know you are divine? 

Did you know that plants can not only help you heal your body but, also bring our subtle bodies into deeper spiritual awareness. 

I AM here to share all that I’ve learned along my journey  with you 

From Herbalism, Alchemy, + Art, to Spirituality, Alignment Practices, + Nutrition.

Everything lies within yourself, all you need to do is go within. 

Today I’m going to tell you about a plant so magical, a plant so wise, a plant so mystical…it’s purple! Today we are going to be talking about Lavender!

 I will also share 2 Rituals with you including Lavender herbs!

Everyone seems to love lavender! Lavender is so popular it’s one of the top essential oil + herb sales in the US! 

Do you love Lavender? What do you use lavender for? Today, I’m going to tell you 10 Amazing Facts you probably didn’t know about Lavender.

Did you know Lavender is a species native to the Mediterranean region? It’s grown on a large scale especially in France. Lavender is low growing with multiple stems topped with purple flowers; which are the parts more frequently used. 

Lavender refers to plants from the genusLavandula, which includes 47 different flowering plants. 

Lavender is derived from the Latin Lavare which means “to cleanse”. Both on the emotional + physical level. 

These plants are native to the eastern hemisphere and can be found from India in the East to Spain in the west and from England in the north to Egypt in the south.

Lavender for centuries has been used as a general tonic, sedative, antispasmodic, diuretic, digestive aid, + gas remedy. 

Spiritually, lavender properties are awakening purification, spiritual growth, + promoting healing + balance. 

The Top 10 Amazing Facts About Lavender that you probably didn't know?

Let’s hop right into it!

Number 1 

Spiritually Healing

Lavender is Spiritually healing. Lavender calms every part of you on a deep holistic, energetic level. In ancient times, it was burned, inhaled as an oil, consumed as a tea, or rubbed on the body after being infused in oils to promote peace, calm, + tranquility. It is still used in the same manners today in spas, massage centers, gyms, reiki centers, all over to reduce stress + anxiety. 

You see, stress + anxiety are the body’s reaction to being out of alignment with its natural flow. Stress + anxiety are like a needle bouncing on a broken record. The energy is jolting around in a perception that is not serving your highest good. Your body loves you! And wants to bring you back into balance. 

So, when the body is out of alignment it tells us through signals + symbols that the western society calls symptoms. Symptoms manifest the physicality of the energy blockage + it’s nothing personal! 

It’s nothing personal when the body communicates it’s telling you something needs adjusting + to adjust we need to learn how to listen to our body’s so that we can identify what the body, spirit, auric field needs to realign itself back into its divine state. 

Lavender also activates the third eye + crown chakras + is revered in religions + cultures around the world for its spiritually uplifting benefits. Lavender flowers are purple. Purple color represents royal + highly spiritual energy. 

Remember you are divine next time you look upon lavender. Ancient Queens, Priests, and priestesses wore Lavender oils alongside Lotus Flower in Egypt.

 Have you ever looked at a lavender plant? Have you smelled it's essential oils? You probably have as it is one of the world’s most popular floral/herbal scents ever! 

Number 2

The 2nd Top Fact about Lavender you probably didn't know, Lavender is ruled by the planet Mercury.

Many Herbs in general are ruled by Mercury.

Mercury rules herbs that tend to be high volatile oil that are fleeting + evaporate quickly on the skin. Similarly, Mercury also moves rapidly around the sun with great influence. 

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun + is known for symbolism in wit, cleverness, intelligence + humor. 

Mercury governs the mind. Our curiosities, how we learn, how we communicate + what we communicate are heavily influenced by Mercury. 

If you have strong Mercury energy in your astrological chart, for instance, you likely are very strong intellectually, resourceful + people probably enjoy your sense of humor. 

Mercury people tend to carry with them heavier energies of anxiety + being indecisive. Of course, Lavender balances this out by bringing ease + calm to anxiety + balance the mind. 

Mercury influences communication + the nervous system + translates into Lavender’s energetic ability to aid in relationship healing, building + communications.

Number 3

The 3rd Top Magical Fact about Lavender is its long time use in love + happiness + strength spells and rituals. 

Lavender has been used for centuries all over the world, by medicine people, shamans, witches, hoodoo + root workers for a variety of magical purposes for raising the spiritual vibration to bring love energy POTENCY + uplifting the happiness in a relationship discord. 

As we will discuss more later, Lavender raises your frequency. What is Love but, the highest frequency. Combining Lavender with rose petals is the ultimate uplifting vibrational combo. 

Historically, women have been given bundles of lavender to squeeze during labor to encourage strength. 

Here is a simple Love spell involving lavender:

  • Candles (red, pink or white)

  • Paper

  • Basil leaves

  • Rosemary

  • Bay leaves

  • Lavender

  • Lemon

  • Cinnamon

  • Cloves

  • Rose petals

  • Stones such as rose quartz, rhodonite, clear quartz, moss agate, labradorite, sunstone, aventurine, and many pink or green crystals. 

In a fire safe bowl add some ritual sand. White is fine or red or pink. Rice can also be used. Then add your herbs intentionally while thinking of the one you love or visualizing the energies of the kind of love + relationship you wish to attract into your life. Crush the herbs between your fingers to release their oils + energies. Write the name of your lover or some attributes, traits, kind of love you are attracting. Fold it and place it over the herbs in your bowl. Make sure your intentions are solidly visualized. Place one of 2 crystals over the paper or place larger crystals outside + around the bowl. Many crystal grids can be well utilized here. 

Next place your candle over the paper in the bowl. Either a chime candle with a holder or a tea light works perfectly. 

A ritual oil of lavender or Love Spell intentioned oil can be applied and anointed over the candle before lighting. 

Allow the candle to burn all the way down. Bury the ashes + remnants of the spell in a safe place that will not be disturbed.  

Another Love Spell using Lavender is called a Honey Jar which can include something like:

  • Pen

  • Honey Jar

  • Paper

  • Honey

  • Cinnamon Stick for amplifying the spell

  • Lavender for raising the love frequency + attracting your heart's desires.

  • Roses which emit the highest frequency in the plant kingdom at 320 mhz. 

  • Catnip - catnip is a love frequency herb + attracts the energy you wish to bring into your vibration. 

Add your herbs to your honey jar alongside the name of the lover or a visualized list of traits + qualities you are seeking in your future lover or relationship in general. 

Add the paper to the jar. Hold a strong visualization of this loves energy as you add your honey filling it all the way to the top. 

Before closing, add one spoon full of the honey directly from the jar to a cup of tea during this spell to connect your energy more tightly to this spell work. 

Close the jar tightly + bury it in a safe place that will not be disturbed. 

The spell is cast. 

Number 4

The 4th Top Fact about Lavender is that it carries the air element. What does this mean?

The air element is responsible for the movement of all things. Air is empowerment energy for seeds, ideas, thoughts, ways of communicating. 

The air teaches us about openness and clarity. It’s subtle, sometimes forceful, but teaches how to connect with spirit and to honor that connection. 

Air is the driver that moves all things. 

Air is everywhere, though we cannot see it; we see what it moves and impacts. We tend to be unaware of our need for air, often forgetting it is even there; sustaining our very life force. 

If you’re an air sign, you’re likely highly communicative, highly intellectual, especially, in all things non physical. By physical, I mean things such as language and information.

Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. 

 The air element in our very breath and the most essential while also, invisible function of our bodies. 

In the same way we take our air for granted, we also forget the Great Spirit in our day to day. Air calls us back to remembering to honor this breath. To feel Gratitude. 

Air reminds us that while we spend our energy and time worrying and stressing and pitying ourselves, we are being carried by this great and powerful divine breath!

In this way Lavender carries these similar energies, reminding us of our connection with spirit, to hold space for gratitude over complaints and worries, and to be more humbly aware of how divine it is we have this breath all around us carrying with it the air and very breath our ancestors once breathed.

Isn’t that magical?

Number 5

The 5th Top fact about Lavender herbs: Lavender is a wonderful herb for treating headaches + nervousness. 

Science is now backing what our ancestors already knew. A study in European neurology looked at the inhalation of lavender for treating migraines and found them quite effective. 

Lavender is composed of these chemical compounds: Linalool, Eucalyptol, Terpineol, Linalyl acetate, Camphor, Lavendulol, Lavendulyl acetate, Caryophyllene, and Camphene. 

These compounds not only aid in relieving intense migraines but also communicate with the body's fight or flight responses and calm nervousness, anxiety and panic attacks. 

Lavender changes your vibration by fine tuning specifically, the tones of the nervous system. In this way, Lavender brings its balanced energy to the forefront.

Lavender is an all around wonderful herb for its essential oil content alone, which performs wonders on their therapeutic benefits on the brain and nervous system.

Number 6

The 6th Top Fact about Lavender is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Did you know that YES Lavender is FULL of rich vitamins and minerals. No wonder it is so wonderful for the brain and body! Calcium for building strong bones, Iron for growth and for the blood, Potassium for cellular health, Vitamin A for vision health, Vitamin C for the growth and repair of body tissues, Vitamin E for vision, skin, hair, nail health, Thiamin for a strengthened immune system and healthy response to stress, Riboflavin or B2 to reduce oxidative stress, and nerve inflammation…

These amazing vitamins and Minerals turbo charging Lavender energy is what 

  • Promotes a restful nights sleep

  • Lowers blood pressure and heart rate

  • Prevents signs of aging by protecting the skin from free radicals

  • Serves as a skin emollient which means the skin is hydrated and moisturized longer when lavender is incorporated.

  • Leaves hair shining, bouncy, and silkier

  • Clears and relieves eczema, acne, and other skin conditions. 

And so much more! 

Number 7

The 7th Top fact about Lavender is that Lavender will help with your relationships + communication with the world around you. 

So we know that Lavender calms the mind, body, and spirit. 

We know that Lavender is ruled by Mercury which IS the ruling planet over communication with the world around us. 

With these knowings in mind, we can see how Lavender can help to strengthen our inner guidance system of self communication which translates to how we communicate with others in our physical space, as well. 

When we feel insecure or uncertain of ourselves, we tend to hide parts of our speech, ourselves, and our expression with others. Lavender calms this anxiety and brings strength and assurance in our truth and our uniqueness. 

Next time you find yourself having a difficult conversation or facing an uncertain social situation, or generally feeling nervous or unsure; carry a bit of lavender in your pocket, apply a bit of lavender oil to your pulse points and take in the aroma before you have the big talk. 

Lavender is especially helpful in relationship building and deep spiritual love bonds. Lavender being a highly spiritual herb that aids us in opening our third eyes and connecting with our higher selves and source consciousness/God; this energy aso creates comfort and nurturing in the heart space for calm interactions in matters of love and the heart. 

When we speak from the heart space and allow the universe/spirit/our higher selves to work through us when we communicate, all good things unfold. 

When we speak to our loved ones from a calm demeanor, with a nourished heart, clear head, and spiritual clarity, our truth can come through with divine love. 

Through connecting more deeply with your higher self, you’ll find your relationships outside of the self becoming less complicated, your ability to attract the love you wish to have in your life becomes easier to manifest, and so much more balance in love and relationships fall into place. 

Number 8

The 8th Top fact about Lavender is Lavender can clear blocked energy/emotions from your body so you can raise your vibration + move out of stagnation. 

Lavender is derived from the Latin word Lavare which means “to cleanse” both physically, as well as, emotionally. 

Lavender focuses on the limbic system of the brain where our emotions are processed. 

This also means Lavender clears + rebalances your auric field and the energetic fields of the items + people + places around you. 

Drinking tea, anointing with a Lavender oil, or cleansing oneself with smoke are common sure ways to cleanse the auric field + unblock energetic blockages from the body. 

Next time you feel your house energy feeling yucky or stagnant, light up your charcoal disk + sprinkle some lightly crushed lavender buds to cleanse the space of negative energies.

Lavender can clear unwanted entities + generally “clear the cobwebs” from the home, energies left behind by previous house guests, + new items coming into the home.

Need to cleanse your space? Try burning some dried lavender around your home with an open window or misting your home with a Lavender water mist. 

Just like drinking a lavender tea to cleanse your body, a good lavender floor wash cleanses the energies, raises the vibration, and welcomes higher frequency manifestations. 

Number 9

The 9th Top Fact about Lavender is, Lavender speeds up Manifestation in your life. 

As quickly as Lavender can heal your wounds, Lavender can also speed up your manifestations in your life. 

You may already know the physical healing benefits of Lavender. Lavender, when applied topically as an oil or salve, quickly begins the skin healing process in the body with minimal to no scarring. Translate this into energetics and you can better innerstand the way lavender aids in your manifestations to living your very best life. 

Lavender raises our frequency, heals energetic wounds, clears and purifies our auric fields. All of this creates the perfect atmosphere for manifesting great things and attracting positive loving frequencies into our vibration. 

By becoming the vibration you wish to attract, you more quickly and accurately attract your true desires. 

Lavender is known to be used by Shamans and healers from all walks of life and it’s no wonder when it brings such a calm, focused, balanced energy perfect for manifesting anything your heart truly  desires. 

Lavender allows the calm to keep our egoic side from becoming too attached and becoming frustrated and instead, replaces this energy with an assuring frequency.

 When we visualize and become frustrated at our manifestations not happening or not happening when we want them to or exactly how we want them to; Lavender reminds us to let go and KNOW that the universe/God/Gaia has already taken care of it. Lavender allows relaxation in that knowing so we can be present in the now.  

Number 10

The 10th and final Top Fact about Lavender Flowers is, Lavender Aids in divination + exploring the dream realm. 

As  I mentioned earlier, Lavender is the color Purple which symbolizes spirituality. Lavender also activates + aligns the Third Eye + Crown Chakra. 

The third eye chakra or Anja Chakra. Chakra is sanskrit meaning wheel or disk and refers to the magnetic spinning centers found within the human body. The third eye is the chakra or energy center that governs + influences our spiritual intuition. Through the third eye we can see the unseen. The spiritual world, the dream world; often other dimensions. 

The crown chakra is the bridge to the cosmos; our direct connection with Source/God/Universe. This is the seat of our spiritual enlightenment and connection to higher guidance. Sahasrara which means “thousands” in sanskrit, connects us to our supreme self. It is located just at the crown of the top of the head meeting into the auric bodies. 

When we are more connected and activated in our higher chakras or energy centers, our dreams become more vivid, our visions become messages that we begin to innerstand and interpret through spiritual guidance from within. 

When we incorporate a divine purple , powerfully aromatic energy like Lavender, our third eye and crown chakras are awakened (if dormant) and activated. Some tend to feel a tingly or slightly itchy sensation in the areas of the energy centers when they are becoming more active. If you’ve been working through dreams, trying to remember or have dreams (some feel they haven't dreamed at all or do not experience dreams) this is referred to as dream recall. 

You can also call upon Lavender when you wish to have out of body travels or astral traveling experiences. Through a deeper connection with your body, mind, and spirit, and with practice working in different sleep states of consciousness, you’ll either find yourself naturally elevating or practicing with less difficulty with the help of Lavender. 

I add Lavender to many of my sleepy time blends, divination blends, and lucid dreaming blends especially pertaining to activation of the third eye and crown centers. 

So what are the Top 10 Facts about Lavender? 

Number 1 - Lavender is a spiritual healer. It’s no secret that Lavender paves a clear path of better communication and connection with our high selves.

Number 2 - Lavender is ruled by the Planet Mercury. Understanding and innerstanding what Mercury energy symbolizes or Lavender and vice versa, can help you to remember + see the patterns of energy in your life. 

Number 3 - Lavender has been used for centuries in Love + happiness rituals + spells all over the world. 

Number 4 - Lavender is of the air element. Again, innerstanding the alchemic energies that the elements carry help to remember + notice the patterns in our journey and all around us. 

Number 5 - Lavender treats headaches + nervous dis-ease.

Number 6 - Lavender is rich in vitamins and minerals. 

Number 7 - Lavender helps with how we communicate with others. Hence, it’s Mercurial nature. 

Number 8 - Lavender can clear your negative emotions + raise your vibration. 

Number 9 - Lavender speeds up your manifestations. Because Lavender raises your vibration, you can more readily become a vibrational match to what you’re manifesting + bring it into the now! 

AND Number 10- Lavender aids in divination, exploring the dream realm by activating the third eye! When you activate your third eye, you raise your vibration. When you raise your vibration AND you’re seeing through your third eye; you can manifest anything you desire! Which is why it is so important to balance your energy, have positive, affirming thoughts; because your thoughts create your reality.


Verbascum thapus (Mullein) Energetics